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No New Posts 2011 Fashion Jackets hot sale on
2011 Fashion Jackets hot sale on For more products , welcome to visit Moncler Jacket-69 is extremely popular since it came into the market. Moncler Down are all of high quality made with waterpr...
innkeeper67 0 4329
(Preview) is under construction, but may be up and running in about a week. FYI: Miriam Delicado will be on Coast to Coast AM with Host George Noory this coming Tuesday, 22 DEC 09, 10PM PST, to talk about The Great Gathering and more:
David 0 5088
No New Posts North pole open seas during summer, ice gone within 10 years
gandolph13 0 3712
Media is SCREAMING about `Town Hall Meetings', Health Care Reform, Swine Flu Vaccinations (whole `nother subject) and giving VERY LITTLE coverage to `HOW MANY 5.5+ EARTHQUAKES IN THE LAST MONTH HAVE THERE BEEN AROUND THE WORLD?' HELLO?!!! Am I going NEED insurance if the roads are TOO BUSTED UP to g...
DogsRock 0 3789
No New Posts Vaccinate or Incarcerate - Update Newsletter
Don't know if it's just my computer but every link in the ECR newsletter gave error message that `URL link had expired'!!! The newsletter was dated July 27th!! HELLO!! I feel like I'm back in the late `60s-early `70s again! Something's feeling CREEPY!
DogsRock 2 4524
No New Posts Swine Flu: Is it REAL or more POLITICAL `PANIC'??
So which one is it folks? Yeah, people have passed & the loved ones have my sympathy BUT the symptoms are looking a little sketchy - they could APPLY TO A FEW ILLNESSES. And didn't the most recent `Earth Changes' Newsletter state that it was a strain of `SWINE-AVIAN (bird)' flu? HELLO!! Now people i...
DogsRock 0 3791
No New Posts A deeply troubling situation: our national debt... Can paying debt off with more debt EVER lead to a good economy?
Forget what political party you support... And which you want to blame. (They both have the same answer to the recession.) Can paying debt off with more debt EVER lead to overall economic health, prosperity, and stability? (Like paying off one credit card by drawing from another, and then paying tha...
cbard 2 6805
No New Posts Your help is requested for proactive and preemptive preparedness...
The Evolutionary Leaders Counsel has been asked by the Obama administration to offer information on what is taking place on the planet and how we can change it. They requested a signed petition offering information on how many people are in favor of the changes suggested.  Many of these Evolutionar...
cbard 1 4281
No New Posts A new way to view the World, the Internet, and the Universe...
Here is a new site to join, a new way to contribute and find information on the Internet; a new statement of Wholeness and Peace, and a pledge of Unity about our rightful place in nature and in the Universe.: The Pax Natura Declaration We, the people of the Earth, affirm the Universe is governed with pre...
cbard 1 3956
No New Posts Solar Storm Warning
This link goes to a video version of a story just released by NASA...that something VERY unusual has happened to the earth's magnetosphere. Looks like Solar Cycle 24 (quiet as it is right now) has some surprises in store for us before long. This link goes to the written version of the story, which uses w...
ModeratorMK 0 3924
No New Posts Hal Turner - "Expect a backlash"
Do some research and you'll find this guy is a rabid racist - but what he says in this blog piece is scary enough to make you wonder whether - if it happens - it will be the trigger that leads to martial law? (And is that what people like him actually want to promote? - Nothing being exactly what it appears).
ModeratorMK 1 3963
No New Posts FDA "criminal behavior" says it's OWN scientists
A lot of links and stories come across my desk - not all of them can fit within the newsletter. However, there are numerous worthwhile stories that are worth following. For example - the fact that FDA scientists are now claiming some of their bosses have been involved in criminal conduct by insisting t...
ModeratorMK 0 3550
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